Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What role do judges and the judicial system play in supporting freedom?

According to our text the judicial system is set up to enforce the laws of the Constitution. In doing so the Supreme Court Judges ensure that the state and district courts are following the rules that have been set forth by our founding fathers and every administration since. The Supreme Court also ensures that the rights of all American citizens are being seen to. If a group is being hurt or treated unfairly it is the Supreme Courts job to make sure that this is rectified. There is no better example than the time of The Warren Court. During the reign of Ear Warren the Supreme Court ended segregation in schools and public and created the one person one vote rule. The Warren Court also ensured that all defendants receive their due process afforded them through the Bill of Rights. No other Court has done so much as the Warren Court. Now its main job is to play referee between the President and Congress. With the new Supreme Court regime they are more interested in the other branches than on actually worrying about legal issues. Fewer cases have been seen concerning legal issues that have come from the lower courts than any other administration. However, based on the current people in Congress and the new President, perhaps it is the best place for the Supreme Court to be to support our freedom.

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