Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Role does Power Play in Government, Economy and Politics?

Throughout American history there has been a great deal of changes in power between the political system and business.   When Government has more power it seems to help regulate how companies treat their employees and customers yet when companies are allowed to gain power they end up dominating every aspect of American life.  I understand that in the 30’s we had to spend money to help the American citizens, however, I don’t understand why the government decided to pour money into the economy by increasing consumption.  I looked into the John Maynard Keynes idea and it had a sound basis.  We just weren’t aggressive enough in our take on the Keynes plan.  I think when companies and corporations have more power over the economy it doesn’t make sense, they are looking at their bottom line and it doesn’t involve helping the poor or middle class.  When the government has more control over spending we seem to do better as a country.  The government brings in more jobs and lowers the pull that large corporations have over everyone.  Unfortunately large corporation have so much power right now due, it seems to the last few administrations that we may not be able to crawl out from under it.  According to our text book the government rescuing banks and GMC was a good thing that will help us figure out what role the government will have in the future of our economy.  All I know is it’s broken right now and band-aides just aren’t going to fix it anymore. 

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